Source code


These routines generate Mandelbrot images and are based on Bob Bishop's routines that appeared in the August 1987 issue of Call-A.P.P.L.E. (A scan of this article can be found here.) The assembly has been updated for the 65C816 and uses 16-bit data. In addition, the (Applesoft) BASIC program has been recoded in assembly.

To replace the (floating point) calculations from the BASIC program, there is a small library of fixed-point arithmetic routines, described below. This library is completely independent of the Mandelbrot generating routines, and has been grouped together in the source code, so that it can be easily extracted for other uses.


You will need to supply a few system-specific routines:

All routines should preserve registers (unless, of course, they return a value in a register). (This is recommended, even though it isn't strictly necessary in all cases, e.g. you should be able to get away with not preserving the accumulator in OUTPUT, but OUTCRLF must preserve the accumulator.)

Unlike the original program, calculating the Mandelbrot data and displaying the results are now separate passes. The idea is that you can generate the data once (that's the slow part), but color the same data in different ways to produce interesting images (which is quick). This means that the data generated is now stored in RAM, rather than immediately calling a plot routine, so you will also need to make sure that IMAGEBUF has enough space to hold all the data you generate, i.e. 16 bits * NX pixels * NY pixels / 8 bits per byte. 4096 bytes is enough to generate Figure 2 (16 * 40 * 48 / 8 = 3840 < 4096), but you will need more if you generate higher resolution pictures.

In the original lo-res BASIC program (Listing 4), 7 colors were used (black and 6 rainbow colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple); if you wish to use more colors or select colors in a different fashion, you can create your own custom GETCOLOR routine.

Included in the source code are the system-specific routines I used on the Apple IIgs, which you can use on an emulator (assuming there is one out there that is complete enough) or an actual Apple IIgs (Apple II forever!). A2STARTIMER and A2STOPTIMER make a ReadAsciiTime call to the Apple IIgs toolbox, and the remaining routines use the I/O and lo-res ROM routines from the earliest days of the Apple II. If you use your own routines, these routines (and A2TIMERBUF) can of course be discarded.

Apple IIgs routines

A2MAIN sets up the e flag and the D register. CALLE is a sneaky piece of code, and is one example of my philosophy of "put all the ugliness in one spot when possible". It executes the code that follows the JSR CALLE in emulation mode, i.e. this:

   JMP $FD8E

is more or less equivalent to this:

   JSR save_registers_and_flags_and_enter_emulation_mode
   JSR $FD8E
   JSR restore_registers_and_flags

CALLEA is similar, except it clears the high byte of the accumulator rather than saving the accumulator, and is used when the routine needs to return its result in the accumulator.

A2TIMEROUT outputs the start and stop times; it expects to be called from emulation mode. It is not called by the Mandelbrot program.

Using it

Like the original program, you will be prompted for the X and Y coordinates and the magnification; in addition (unlike the original program), you will be prompted for the timeout value.

There is some error checking on the input, which is intended to catch most of the common and obvious errors, but the error checking is not completely thorough. For example, it doesn't prevent you from entering negative magnifications. Also, entering .1. does not produce an error (it's the same as entering 0.1) because keeping the parser implementation simple was a higher priority that being completely strict about valid input.

The aspect ratio is currently 1.53. In Figure 2 from the article, notice that the lo-res "bricks" are rectangular, not square. In fact, they are 1.53 times wider than they are tall. Once you get the code working, you should modify the aspect ratio to match your display. (On most modern displays, the aspect ratio is 1, i.e. if you draw a box 100 pixels wide by 100 pixels high, it will look square, not rectangular.) As with the BASIC program, NX and NY are the width and height (in pixels, in both cases).

To make sure that you have the code working correctly, it is strongly recommended that you use the same parameters as Figure 2 (including the aspect ratio), since this won't take too long (about 4 minutes on a 2.8 MHz Apple IIgs) to finish. In addition, you may want to have PLOT draw bricks whose width to height ratio is 8:5.

Differences from Bishop's routines

When I generated Figure 2 using the 65C816 program (since the bricks in this image are 1.6 times wider than they are tall, the correct aspect ratio is 1.6, but I used 1.53 to match what the article used), this is what I got:

If you look carefully, you will see that the generated figure is not exactly the same as Figure 2 from the article (it can be a little tricky to see this, since the magazine picture is black and white). There are several reasons for this.

First, the multiplications produce more accurate results than the original program. A 32-bit number times a 32-bit number yields a 64-bit result, though we only keep 32 bits of the 64-bit result. To keep the this example simple, lets consider numbers with two decimal places, specifically 1.15 * 1.35.

* 1.35

The result, to two decimal places, is 1.55. Bishop's routine (in effect) truncates the partial products before summing them (to produce the final result), i.e.:

* 1.35

As you can see, the result is slightly different (and slightly inaccurate).

Second, unlike the original routines, the results are rounded.

Third, in the original routine, the LSB of the 2 * ZREAL * ZIMAG calculation is always 0, since the 32-bit result (of ZREAL * ZIMAG) is generated before shifting (i.e. multiplying by 2). In the 65C816 routine, we haven't yet, in effect, discarded 32 bits of the 64-bit result before multiplying by 2 (and rounding).

Fourth, numbers use two's complement representation rather than ones' complement which gives slightly more accurate results when an addition or subtraction changes sign, e.g. consider -0.5 + 1, which originally was $FF7FFFFF + $01000000 = $007FFFFF which is slightly less than 0.5. In the 65C816 routines it will be $FF800000 + $01000000 = $00800000 which is exactly 0.5.

Fifth, and finally, the resolution of DX and DY are slightly less than they used to be. (In the assembly program, DX and DY are multiples of 2^-24, whereas in the BASIC program DX and/or DY could be e.g. 3 * 2^-25.) This is sort of like the difference between a magnification of 1000 and 1001; generally, it's not really a significant difference.

There are also a few optimizations, though these don't produce different results.

First, the absolute values of ZREAL and ZIMAG and the sign of ZREAL * ZIMAG are computed at the beginning of the MANDEL loop, rather than at the beginning of each call to MULT. (There is no need to check the signs of ZREAL ^ 2 and ZIMAG ^2 as MULT does, since they must be positive.)

Second, rather than negating 2 * ZREAL * ZIMAG (when the sign is negative), we simply check its sign and either add it to or subtract it from CIMAG accordingly.

Third, addition and subtraction loops (e.g. LOOP4 of Listing 1) have been unrolled.

Fourth, and finally, to avoid copying values to and from MULT registers (e.g. LOOP1 and LOOP2 of Listing 1), MULT is no longer a separate subroutine; instead it is used inline, with slight differences in each instance to get its arguments and put its result directly in the appropriate place.

Fixed-point routines

These routines deal with fixed-point numbers that are 64 bits wide; 32 bits of integer and 32 bits of fraction. If N is a 64-bit integer that can range from 0 to (2^64)-1 (unsigned) or -(2^63) to (2^63)-1 (signed), then the corresponding fixed-point number is N / (2^32).

These routines pass and return parameters on a RAM (data) stack. SFL, SFH, SIL, and SIH are the Low and High (16-bit) words of the Fractional and Integer portions of the number. I have used Forth-style stack effect diagrams to describe the stack effect of these routines. If you are not familar with this notation, the part between ( and -- shows the affected (or used) contents of the stack before the routine is called, and the part between -- and ) shows the stack contents after the routine returns; the rightmost item is the top of the stack. Example: the stack effect diagram ( a b c -- a+1 d ) shows a routine that takes 3 parameters: a, b, and c (c is on the top of the stack), and returns a+1 and d (d is the on the top of the stack). In the diagrams below, "a" and "b" are numbers on the (data) stack, and "A" is the accumulator.

In my experience, most applications that use fixed-point (or floating point) math only need a few fixed-point variables. (Case in point: there are only 4 fixed-point variables in the Mandelbrot routines.) So rather than passing in the full address of the variable, it's often more convenient to simply pass in an offset (to FPVARS), and access variables with FPVARS,Y (or FPVARS,X) addressing. This is how variables have been implemented here.

The routines are: